Organic Chicken

I love getting farm fresh brown eggs! So, when I bought this adorable Trio of Chicks file from My Scrap Chick, I knew this little chick would hatch out of a brown egg. I cut her with my Sizzix Eclips. I used Glimmer Mist Cork spray for the speckles on the egg shells. Edged the shells with Vintage Photo and …

JillOrganic Chicken

When is a Christmas Tree not a Christmas Tree?

jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('.valtree').iLightBox({skin: 'light',overlay: {opacity: 0.85,blur: true},styles: {prevScale: 0.65,prevOpacity: 0.75,nextScale: 0.65,nextOpacity: 0.75},path: 'horizontal',controls: {thumbnail: false}});});When it's a Valentine Tree! I bought this fuchsia pink Christmas tree for 90% off the regular price. Yippee! I knew it would make a cute Valentine tree. So I went home and got busy on my Silhouette Cameo. For the ornaments, I used a file from the ...
JillWhen is a Christmas Tree not a Christmas Tree?

Baby It’s Cold Outside

  …and that means the air inside is DRY. My Grandparents always kept pie tins with water on the heat vents, and I don’t remember them getting colds in the winter. Unless you use a  humidifier, the Polar Vortex is wreaking havoc on the  air you are breathing at home. I bought a Vicks humidity meter and as you can …

JillBaby It’s Cold Outside

Valentine Banner

Just wanted to show you all the Valentine banner I made with my Silhouette Cameo. I used the Love Banner file by Lori Whitlock. It has the files needed to cut 4 different banners with lettering to spell LOVE. I wanted a longer banner, so I cut 2 more of the banner bases. Next I  used the Silhouette file 8 Piece …

JillValentine Banner